Use “to” in time ranges, not hyphens, en rules or em dashes: 10am to 11am
Use lowercase without periods for “am” and “pm”
Show time using a 12-hour clock: 5:30pm not 17:30hrs
Use midnight, not 00:00
6 hours 30 minutes
Writing guidelines for numbers
Show numbers numerically, not as words.
Write all numbers in numerals (including 0 to 9) except when they’re part of a common expression that would look strange (like “one
or two of them”).
Avoid starting a sentence with a number.
If a number starts a sentence, write it out in full: “Twenty-three Nova Scotia businesses ...” (except when it starts a title or sub-heading).
Use numerals for numbers under 10 in headlines, titles, and sub-headings.
For numerals over 999, insert a comma for clarity: “It was over 9,000.”
Spell out common fractions, such as one-half. Use a % sign for percentages: 50%.
Use a 0 where there’s no digit before the decimal point: 0.5%.
Use “500 to 900” and not “500-900” (except in tables).
Use MB not KB for anything over 1MB for file size. For under 1MB, use KB. Keep it as accurate as possible and up to 2 decimal places. For example: 4.03MB.
Abbreviate big numbers if there are space restraints, as in a tweet, chart, or table: 1k, 150k.
Use “to” in address ranges, for example: 49 to 53 Cherry Street.
For ordinal numbers, spell out first to ninth. After that, use 10th, etc. In tables, use numerals throughout.
Use figures for all ages, sums of money and times of day.