
The following page layouts are based on the content types identified in the Government Web Strategy.

  • Basic page
  • Campaign page
  • Document page

More will be added over time.

Page and structural UI patterns

Basic page title

Summary text provides a brief overview of the content to explain the main point - what it will help users do or understand and who its for.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultricies mauris ac sem tincidunt malesuada. Quisque non odio a mauris malesuada porta ut non ante.

Heading 2

Duis in accumsan ligula. Mauris sollicitudin massa eu aliquam facilisis. Cras mollis, elit in venenatis rhoncus, nulla dolor rutrum orci, non varius turpis magna quis ligula. Donec et porta nibh, eget tristique nisl.

Heading 3

Vivamus gravida nec enim quis venenatis. Cras bibendum mauris leo, sed cursus lectus malesuada lacinia. Phasellus semper purus eget egestas viverra. Sed tincidunt odio ex, vel dignissim magna facilisis sit amet. Nullam id ipsum velit.


Accountability report 2016 to 2017: Office of Service Nova Scotia

Summary text provides a brief overview of the document to explain what it it is and who its for.

Brief overview of the document contents, with just enough detail for users to determine if it is the document they are looking for.

Sometimes we break out a list:

  • who it is for
  • how a program works
  • what something costs
  • how the document might be used

  • Accountability report
  • Corporate report

Department: Service Nova Scotia
